
Towards Common Language for Functioning, Disability and Health ICF🐱猫:17匹。
...ICF, is a classification of health and health-related domains. As the functioning and disability of an individual occurs in a context, ICF also includes a list of environmental factors ...ICFは、健康および健康関連状態分類である。 ...個人の機能と社会的障害は状況に応じて発生するため、ICFには環境要因のリストも含まれる。●ICF is the WHO framework for measuring health and disability at both individual and population levels. ICFは、WHOフレームワークで、測定に関して、保険と社会的障害を個人レベルと人口レベルにおいて行う。●ICF was officially endorsed by all 191 WHO Member States in the Fifty-fourth World Health Assembly on 22 May 2001(resolution WHA 54.21) as the international standard to describe and measure health and disability ...ICFは、2001年5月22日に第504回世界保健総会において正式に191のWHO加盟国すべてによって支持された。(決議WHA 54.21)は国際標準として、健康と社会的障害を記述し測定するためのものである。
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, known more commonly as ICF, provides a standard language and framework for the description of health and health-related states. Like the first version published by the World Health Organization for trial purposes in 1980, ICF is a multipurpose classification intended for a wide range of uses in different sectors.... 国際機能分類としての社会的障害と保険はICFとしてよりよく知られている。提供は一つの標準的用語と枠組みを加盟国に対して行われる。同様に、世界保健機関(WHO)が1980年に試行目的で発表した最初のバージョンはICFの様々なセクターでの幅広い用途を意図した多目的分類です。...
It is a classification of health and health-related domains -- domains that help us to describe changes in body function and structure, 🐱猫:what a person with a health condition can do in a standard environment (their level of capacity), as well as what they actually do in their usual environment (their level of performance)その分類は健康と健康関連の領域です。即ち、 記述は体の機能や構造の変化をするのに役立つものです。さらに、🐱猫: 一人の人が健康な状態で標準的な環境において出来る事は何か(何が出来るか)。 同様に、 人々が通常の環境で実際に何をするか(何を達成したか) 。...
...These domains are classified from body, individual and societal perspectives by means of two lists: a list of body functions and structure, and a list of domains of activity and participation....これらの領域の分類は、身体的、個人的、および社会的な視点から行い、一つのリストは体の機能と構造、二つ目のリストは、活動と参加のものである。
 In ICF, the term functioning refers to all body functions, activities and participation, while disability is similarly an umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions. ICF also lists environmental factors that interact with all these components....
 ICFでは、機能という用語は、全身体の機能と活動および参加を関連付けられる。社会的障害は心身の障害を指すだけではなく、同時に活動の制限および参加制限を包括する用語です。 加えて、ICFがリスト化する環境要因の複数は、相互作用する構成要因と位置付けている。....
ICF is WHO's framework for health and disability. It is the conceptual basis for the  definition, measurement and policy formulations for health and disability. It is a universal classification of disability and health for use in health and healthrelated sectors. ICF therefore looks like a simple health classifiation, but it can be used for a number of purposes.🐱猫: The most important is as a planning and policy tool for decision-makers. ICFはWHOの健康と社会的障害の枠組みでる。その概念的基礎は、定義、測定、政策立案化を健康と社会的障害の為のものである。一つの普遍的分類ー社会的障害と健康として、健康および健康関連の部署で使用される。ICFは従って、一見簡単な健康分類だが、使用は多岐の目的にわたる。🐱猫:最も重要な事は、一つの計画作成と政策ツールとして、意思決定者に役立つ事である。
...ICF is named as it is because of its stress is on health and functioning, rather than on disability.🎏鯉:🐱猫:Previously, disability began where health ended; once you were disabled, you where in a separate category. We want to get away from this kind of thinking. We want to make ICF a tool for measuring functioning in society, no matter what the reason for one's impairments. 
 So it becomes a much more versatile tool with a much broader area of use than a traditional classification of health and disability 
This is a radical shift. 🐱猫:From emphasizing people's disabilities, we now focus on their level of health. ICF puts the notions of 'health' and 'disability in a new light. It acknowledges that every human being can experience a decrement in health and thereby experience some disability.

This is not something that happens to only a minority of humanity.
ICF thus 'mainstreams the experience of disability and recognises it as a universal human experience.🎏鯉:🐱猫: By shifting the focus from cause to impact it places all health conditions on an equal footing allowing them to be compared using a common metric - the ruler of health and disability.
...これは人類の少数にしか起こる問題ではない。したがって、ICFは社会的障害の経験を主流とし、それを普遍的な人間体験と認識します。 🎏鯉:🐱猫:問題にすべきは、原因ではなく影響なのです。すべての健康状態を平等な立場に置き、健康と社会的障害を掌握する共通の指標を使って比較する事ができます。.
ICF belongs to the WHO family of international classifications, the best known member of which is the ICD-10 (the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).
ICD-10 gives users an etiological framework for the classification, by diagnosis, of diseases, disorders and other health conditions. By contrast, ICF classifies functioning and disability associated with health conditions........ICD-10は、病因的枠組みをユーザに提供し、分類に役立てる。診断により、疾病及び不具合の、および他の健康状態を提供する。対照的に、ICFは機能と障害を分類し、健康状態に関連付する。
The ICD-10 and ICF are therefore complementary, and users are encouraged to use them together to create a broader and more meaningful picture of the experience of health of individuals and populations.
...Information on mortality (provided by ICD-10) and information about health and health-related outcomes (provided by ICF) can be combined in summary measures of population health. In short, ICD-10 is mainly used to classify causes of death, but ICF classifies health.
WHO Family of International Classifications国際分類の系譜
Interventions Procedures
Reasons for encounter
Nomenclature of Diseases
International Statistics Classification of Diseases & Related Health Problems
Primary care adaptations
International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health
Speciality adaptations
 THE NEED FOR ICF...p4...ICFの必要性
🐱猫:Studies show that diagnosis alone does not predict service needs, length of hospitalization, level of care or functional outcomes. Nor is the presence of a disease or disorder an accurate predictor of receipt of disability benefits, work performance, return to work potential, or likelihood of social integration..
This means that if we use a medical classification of diagnoses alone we will not have the information we need for health planning and management purposes. What we lack is data about levels of functioning and disability. ICF makes it possible to collect those vital data in a consistent and internationally comparable manner.
これが意味する事は、私たちが診断の医学的分類だけを使用する場合、私たちが持っていない情報は私達が必要とする健康計画および管理の目的のものです。 私たちに欠けているデータは、機能や社会的障害のレベルに関するものです。 ICFは、これらの収集を可能にし、重要なデータを一貫して国際的に比較可能な方法なものにします。
For basic public health purposes, including the determine the overall health of populations, the prevalence and incidence of non-fatal health outcomes, and to measure health care needs and the performance and effectiveness of health care systems, we need reliable and comparable data on the health of individuals and populations. ICF provides the framework and classification system for these purposes.
...🐱猫:For some time, there has been a shift in the focus from hospital-based acute care to community-based long-term services for chronic conditions....
...🐱猫:Social welfare agencies have noticed a marked increased in demand for disability benefits. These trends have underscored the need for reliable and valid disability statistics....
...🐱猫:社会福祉機関は、社会的障害給付の需要が著しく増加している事を認識している。 これらの傾向は、信頼できる有効な社会的障害統計の必要性を強調しています。...
 ...ICF provides the basis for identifying kinds and levels of disability which provides the foundations for country-level disability data to inform policy devolopment.
... ICFが提供する基礎は、社会的障害の種類と各レベルを識別し国レベルの社会的障害データの基盤となり、障害の種類とレベルを特定するための基礎を提供し、政策の発展を導引する。...
...There is also an increased recognition among social planners and service agencies that reductions in the incidence and severity of disability in a population can be brought about both by enhancing the functional capacity of the person and by improving performance by modifying features of the social and physical environment.
これらの認識はソーシャル・プランナーやサービス代理店の間でも高まっている。人口における事故の発生率と社会的障害の深刻さの低減は、まずは人の機能能力を高めることに拠る。もうひとつは、実行力の改善に拠る。それは、社会的および物理的環境の要因を変更することに拠る。 ...
To analyze the impact of these different interventions, we need a way of classifying domains of areas of life as well as the environmental factors that improve performance. ICF allows us to record this information....
分析は、これらの異なる介入の影響に拠り、私たちが必要な一つの分類方法は、 まず、生活因子、同様に、 環境因子が向上させる実行力。ICFはこの情報の記録を提供する。

